Saturday, September 01, 2007

Pouting in Houston

Only a few minutes after the front door closed last night, I was regretting my decision to stay in Houston for the weekend while Leo went home. It's just that both my workload and my schoolwork load are piling up around me. I knew that if I went home, I'd be tempted to do something other than work. I'm making progress this morning, it's true, but I'm awfully "pouty" about the whole thing. I just called home and Leo didn't answer. Is he fishing now? Are they catching some nice reds? Did he see any deer this morning? Were the hogs feeding when he arrived at home last night? Arrgh! I don't have time for this, so I'm going back to my study of "negligence" by next looking at Brown v. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. No, it's not really boring, it's actually quite interesting if the truth be known. But would I rather be fishing and hanging out with the guys? You Bet! Catch one for me, guys!


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Dear me I got the head and the tail mixed up . I left the commentnext to the Aug 16 entry. U can read it there. it was meant to be put here.

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    nd I added myself to the frapper thing. at karachi

  3. Azzy...thanks for adding to the frapper. So many of the people who read my blog don't actually "participate" actively (as you can see by the lack of comments), so it's a nice change when someone comes along who does. Hope to talk to you again soon as I enjoyed our chat immensely. Perhaps Leo will join in with our discussion next time.
