Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Change of Venue

I was slightly disappointed to find that the voting for my precinct had been moved from the County Barn (my absolute FAVORITE place to vote!) to the K.C. hall. Still, two sweet little old ladies and four cardboard voting slots were still the voting method, so the casting of my quaint rural vote was still a good experience. I have avoided all television coverage of the election (definitely no longer "unbiased"!!) contenting myself instead to read up on candidate speeches and legislative records. Today I exercised my right to vote and tomorrow I will convince myself to support the new president.

I talked to Leo at 3am while he was in Germany. I spoke to him again about 6pm while he was in Nigeria getting ready for a little sleep. He has one more flight in the morning (his morning) then will be back at work. I will drive back into Houston and get all set up for the rest of my week as well.

I'm starting at a new location tomorrow and looking forward to it. I don't think I have a computer there yet, but I'll be able to get some work done anyway, I'm sure. I'll hang out there until Friday, swing by Danbury to catch the nephew's football game, and be home by midnight on Friday night. Only a few more months of "toughing it out" I think, then we'll be making so much progress on the house, it will feel like a real home. I still think it will take until next Christmas to get everything done that we're wanting to do, but a LOT of the looks of the house are changing already. I'm still holding out hope that the floors will go in before Leo gets home as that will make an INCREDIBLE difference in the look and feel of the house. After 15 years of walking on CONCRETE, wood floors are going to be the ultimate luxury!

I can see that I can only get 5 hours of sleep in tonight, so I guess I better hit the hay. Hope everyone is doing fine and that you are ALL making plans to come see us in the next 12 months. We can't WAIT to have visitors in our home and not be embarrassed about it!!!


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    good morning Bea
    Just a quick note to let you know I am thinking of you. I know it must be very hard to see Leo leave again and my heart goes out to you. Take care of yourself. I'll be keeping you close in mind.

  2. Dee...Thanks for the well wishes! My strategy is to keep really busy (a tactic which also helps keep my pocketbook full) so I don't have time to miss him as much. I think he does the same thing. Also, I'm already counting down the days until his return, which reminds me that the separation will actually come to an end. Tricky business, this being apart so much, but we hope it will be worth it in the end.

    Take care, and looking forward to meeting you some day!
