Thursday, July 26, 2012

I've Got a Job!

In spite of my concerns about spending time looking for a job, it turns out I had nothing to worry about. I've got a job!

I start on Monday working for one of my old clients from my consulting business. I'm working for a mid-size ($38 million) HVAC company, which is in the industrial environment that I really like. I've known many of these guys for a number of years, and at least one of them for most of my life. This is not going to be an easy job, especially since it will require me staying at a hotel several nights a week, but I think it is going to be a good one with just the right kinds of challenges and activities that satisfy my cravings for challenging work.

The thing I like most about it, however, is the ties that it has with my in-progress research. The research I am currently focusing on has to do with "identity" creation and meaning-making in the workplace, but particularly in industrial workplaces. I am hoping to analyze data from the TWL workforce in Papua New Guinea as an example of an extremely diverse, but still not multi-national, workforce. But the things that I am reading in my research efforts, the things that are on my mind as I go through the day now, are all things that are useful to this new work environment as well. Synergies in work, study, personal interest and work history? What could be better than that?

Although I was hoping for another overseas assignment, Leo and I both think that this job is a better "fit" for me and what I have going on. But the biggest plus of all is the fact that I will get to spend time at home and with friends, family, and especially Leo, every week. If you guess from all of this chatter that I'm really excited about this, you're right. I can't WAIT to get started down this new path!

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