Thursday, March 15, 2007

What a Wonderful Week!

I decided to take a Spring Break this week...what a wonderful time I've had of it! First, although I worked (and worked hard) every day this week, it was all while looking out over the bay while I worked. I saw some incredible birds, some beautiful storms blowing through, foggy mornings, sunny days, and a host of wildlife, all from my spot in the living room. Up until this week, I have probably spent less than 10 days at home since the beginning of the year. Although I had a hundred reasons to spend this week in Houston, staying home was exactly what I needed to do. Tomorrow morning, I'm headed back to the city, however, to start that life back up again. But for just a few days, "that life" was comfortably far away. I'm guessing that by morning I will be "stressing" about all of the reports, projects, questions, and activities that will be waiting for me in Houston, but just for tonight, I'm in heaven. Oh...I almost forgot my most important news. All of the pre-work is done, and I've been accepted into the Master's Program at Austin. While that is extremely exciting, and will definitely be a dream-come-true for me, it also means I have so much to get ready for! So, wish me luck, say hello to my husband for me if you see him before I do :-) and think good thoughts in my direction. Grandma is about to jump on another merry-go-round, and she's EXCITED about it!

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